A pregnancy test should ideally be carried out on an early morning sample of urine, that is the very first one in the morning when you get up, as it contains the most hormones to test. Pregnancy test are accurate from three weeks after an episode of unprotected sex.

If you are unsure about your pregnancy, you are not alone, as many women have mixed feelings when they find out they are pregnant, even if they have been pregnant before. This is quite normal and understandable.

Your doctor will be there to discuss your anxieties and a counsellor is available who will help you to talk through your feelings in a non-judgemental and non-directional way, and will help you to explore all the issues.

This confidential counselling service is offered free through Choices and can be accessed by anyone – you do not need to have registered at Choices.

The counsellors confidential ‘helpline’ telephone number is 07781 125 942 . If there is no reply please leave your name and contact number and the counsellor will get back to you or email cleo@calm.gg

  • If you’ve had unprotected sex or are concerned that your contraception has failed
  • If your period is late/overdue
  • If your period is not overdue but was a lot lighter or shorter than usual.
  • If you have any symptoms of pregnancy such as nausea or vomiting (known as morning sickness but can occur at any time of day), breast tenderness and/or swelling, tiredness, strange taste in your mouth or cravings, needing to pee more.

These are available:

  • Free at Choices or the Orchard Centre
  • To buy over the counter at any pharmacy/chemist
  • GP Surgeries

There is a charge at the surgery and from the chemist.

Pregnancy Tests are FREE at Choices and the Orchard Centre.

You may be advised to return on another day to repeat the test on an ‘early morning’ specimen or if you have had unprotected sex less than three weeks before, as the test might be too early to show if you are pregnant.

The clinic staff can advise you about the full range of contraception options available to reduce your risk of future unwanted pregnancy and also how to prevent STI’s.They can also advise when to restart your contraception and when it will be effective.

You can discuss your options confidentially with a Choices doctor and a free Pregnancy and abortion counselling service is available to help you reach a decision. If you do not wish to continue with the pregnancy, the Choices doctor or your GP can refer you for an abortion (termination).

If you wish to continue with the pregnancy, you will need to see your G.P where antenatal care will be arranged for you and your baby. It is recommended that you start taking antenatal vitamins that contain folic acid and vitamin D. Click here for more antenatal advice.